Invester Relations

About Us
reGenesis Ag is an ag-tech startup focused on food safety / food security in global agri-food networks and take revenues generated and provide economic development opportunities through micro financing and investments with special interests in developing and emerging countries.
Why Invest?

With the global population expected to hit 10 billion people in 2050 and climate change threatening crops, livestock, and farming communities; the need for safe, reliable, and smart investments in agri-food networks is more important than ever before which is why reGenesis Ag is building an agri-food network focused on food borne illness and disease outbreak monitoring in supply chains. With interests in various commodities and sectors of agriculture like cocoa and coffee and seafood; reGenesis Ag’s global recall and alert system is not only important but necessary to ensure safe and secure food supply chains.
Key Stats
- May 2022 — first provisional patent is filled
- October 2022 — reGenesis Ag is formed
- November / December 2022 – formal patent applications filed; front end development system is commissioned and demo platform begins.

(6mo -2 years)
Short term goals
- Goal #1 is to begin building the smart fingerprint and tracking / traceability platform for food borne illness, disease, and outbreak monitoring along with the heat map signature.
- Goal #2 is to begin pilot programs with farms, producers, companies and supermarkets; while the platform is being built so once completed, we have a user base.
- Goal #3 is to engage in strategic alliances with government agencies, consumers / producers and markets across the globe to promote food safety and food security.
- Goal #4 is to continue pilot programs and push tracking / traceability platform mainstream and gain larger consumer base
- Goal #5 is to begin exploration of fraud prevention in agricultural industries such as fisheries and livestock.
Goals 2-4 will be accomplished by networking existing contacts and agricultural / food trade shows.
(3-5 years)
Long term goals
- Goal #1 is a continuation of pilot programs and pushing tracking / traceability platform mainstream while improving functionality through feedback loops from consumers and producers alike
- Goal #2 is to begin the implementation of a sister platform and the introduction of modern agricultural trading and resource centers where farmers can bring their crops and be paid in agricultural tokens specific to the commodity.
- Goal #3 is to partner with technology companies to provide resources to farmers and better predict outcomes of crops / harvests, etc. through crop surveillance and the use of satellite and drone equipment.
- Goal #4 is to partner with banks across the globe OR reGenesis Ag steps in to allow farmers to put up their agricultural tokens as collateral to gain access to micro loans for their farms, equipment or family.